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The house where Berthold Beitz worked in 1941-1944.

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Historical information about the object

During World War II, Berthold Beitz (1913-2013), a prominent German engineer and employee of the Rhenania-Ossag Mineralölwerke AG oil company, worked here since April 1939. In 1941-1944, he helped and saved the lives of several hundred Boryslav Jews. . His assistant-assistant Hilda Berger (13.06.1914-2011) in 1944 in the factories of Oscar Schindler’s camps compiled lists of about
1,100 Jews for their further salvation. October 3, 1973, Berthold
Beitz, and on February 5, 2006, his wife, Elsa Beitz, was recognized as the Righteous Among the Nations.


Boryslav, Carpatska Brama street, 14

Object accessibility


Ownership of the object


Preservation for 2021


Object category (type)

Historical and cultural


  • Boryslav, Carpatska Brama street, 14
